Today was a day that will forever be etched in the heart of LOA. As I sat with my men’s group, sharing about the Alliance and our mission to Love One Another, I was taken back by my friend to a moment that changed everything. A moment that revealed the depth of my “WHY” behind LOA.

In 2007, I sat on my decimated roof, tears streaming down my face, as my dream of providing a safe home for my growing family seemed to crumble before my eyes. Our first home, a fixer-upper that had become a total nightmare, was overwhelming us with unfinished work and insufficient resources. As a new father, I worked tirelessly after work and on weekends to repair the damage caused by years of neglect from the previous owners, but the weight of it all was suffocating me. My pride wouldn’t let me seek help, I felt that I got myself into this mess and I must get myself out… until my pastor compassionately broke down that barrier, revealing the strength of community within the body of Christ.

In a moment of desperation after falling through the roof and cracking my rib, I swallowed my fear and shame, and asked my church family for help. And what happened next was nothing short of a miracle. The outpouring of love and support from our church was like a tidal wave, washing over us with grace and mercy. People showed up, day after day, to help us rebuild our home and our lives.

I vividly recall the countless nights, exhausted and defeated, when a stranger from our church – who would soon become a dear friend – would arrive at our doorstep, almost every night, to rewire our faulty electrical system. I remember the kind families who brought us food, the groups who came to help with work parties, and the countless others who generously gave their time and finances to help us rebuild our future home and family. Their selfless acts of love and support still fill my heart with gratitude and awe. 

In what felt like the darkest of moments, the body of Christ came alive, showing me the true meaning of ‘Love One Another.’ Because of their unwavering support, our family was able to move into a safe and comfortable home, and our second child was able to be born. Additionally, my wife was able to quit her job and homeschool our children, a possibility only made real by the love and generosity of our church family.

But more than that, many years later a dream was born. A dream to pay it forward, to use the proceeds from that home to build the Kingdom of heaven. A dream to create a ministry that would serve others in practical ways, just as we had been served. A dream to Love One Another, as Jesus loved us.

That dream is LOA ministries, which includes LOA Youth Ranch and LOA Building Alliance. Every day, I am reminded of the power of community, and the miracle that happens when we lay down our lives for one another. This is my “Why” and what get’s me out of bed in the morning.